
Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 6, 2024

See the Cast of ‘Batman Returns’ Then and Now

Tim Burton's 1992 film 'Batman Returns' was everything we love about Tim Burton and Batman all rolled into one amazing package. The film had an all-star cast including Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer and Danny DeVito. Over 20 years later, it still holds up as one of the strangest and most visually stunning of the 'Batman' films. Let's take a look at where the stars of 'Batman Returns' are now.

Michael Keaton, Bruce Wayne/Batman

Michael Keaton

Then: Michael Keaton first played Bruce Wayne, millionaire playboy by day, caped vigilante by night, in 1989's blockbuster 'Batman.' Keaton starred in '80s hits like 'Mr. Mom' and first teamed with director Tim Burton on 'Beetlejuice.' Throughout the '90s Keaton continued to surprise us with turns in 'Jackie Brown' and 'Out of Sight.'

Now: Keaton has been making something of a comeback lately after disappearing for a few years. He starred alongside Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell in 'The Other Guys,' provided the voice of Ken in 'Toy Story 3' and is featured in the upcoming 'RoboCop' remake.

Michelle Pfeiffer, Selina Kyle/Catwoman

Michelle Pfeiffer

Then: Michelle Pfeiffer played both the mousy Selina Kyle and her alter ego, vinyl leather enthusiast Catwoman. (She scored the role after Annette Bening had to drop out due to being pregnant at the time.) Pfeiffer caught her big break as the star of 'Grease 2,' and followed that up with leading roles in 'Scarface,' 'The Witches of Eastwick' and 'Dangerous Liaisons.'

Now: In 2003, Pfeiffer took a break from acting for a few years, returning in 2007 with roles in 'Stardust' and 'Hairspray.' Last year she starred opposite Johnny Depp in 'Dark Shadows,' which saw her reuniting with her 'Batman Returns' director Tim Burton.

Danny DeVito, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin

Danny DeVito

Then: Danny DeVito played Oswald Cobblepot, a deformed boy orphaned by his parents and raised by circus freaks who becomes the villain known as the Penguin. DeVito got his big break in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,' and followed that up with a starring role on the TV show 'Taxi.' He went on to star opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in 'Twins,' and branched out into directing with 'Throw Momma from the Train' and 'The War of the Roses.'

Now: DeVito married 'Cheers' star Rhea Perlman in 1982, and though they briefly split in 2012, the two reconciled a few months later (love isn't dead!). DeVito continues to act, appearing on the TV series 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.' As a producer and director, he's also been responsible for everything from 'Matilda' to notorious bombs like 'Death to Smoochy' and 'Duplex.'

Christopher Walken, Max Shreck

Christopher Walken

Then: Walken played Max Shreck, Selina Kyle's evil boss and eventual ally to the Penguin. (The character was named for actor Max Schreck, star of the silent film classic 'Nosferatu.') Walken began his career as a circus lion tamer and child actor, and went on to find success in the '70s with roles in 'Annie Hall' and 'The Deer Hunter.' Fun fact: George Lucas once considered him for the role of Han Solo in 'Star Wars.'

Now: Christopher Walken is one of our most iconic actors, with parts in everything from 'Pulp Fiction' to Tim Burton's 'Sleepy Hollow.' He's hosted 'Saturday Night Live' seven times, and most recently starred in the 2012 film 'Seven Psychopaths.'

Andrew Bryniarski, Chip Shreck

Andrew Bryniarski

Then: Andrew Bryniarski played Chip Shreck, son of Max and heir to his father's shady business and fortune. A former bodybuilder, Bryniarski also starred in 'Street Fighter' and 'Any Given Sunday.'

Now: Bryniarski has kept up with his buff physique, using it to play imposing characters like Leatherface in the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' remake and its follow-up prequel, 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.'

Paul Reubens, Tucker Cobblepot

Paul Reubens

Then: Best known for playing America's favorite man-child, Pee-wee Herman, Paul Reubens reunited with his 'Pee-wee's Big Adventure' director Tim Burton for a small cameo in 'Batman Returns' as Penguin's father, Tucker Cobblepot.

Now: Reubens revived his Pee-wee character in 2011 with a special on HBO and promises of a new film. Throughout the '00s, he gave audiences a different side of himself with parts in 'Blow,' 'Mystery Men' and guest appearances on '30 Rock' and 'Reno 911.' But we'll always know and love him best as Pee-wee, of course.

Cristi Conaway, Ice Princess

Cristi Conaway

Then: Cristi Conaway played the role of the Ice Princess, the token representative of Gotham City's holiday celebrations, who is kidnapped and eventually killed by the Penguin and his lackeys. Conaway also had small roles in 'Doc Hollywood' and the 1993 remake of 'Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman.'

Now: Conaway left acting in 2002 to pursue her dream of fashion design. She started small with scarves, but expanded her collection to women's sweaters, silk dresses and menswear.

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